Come, Let Us Go
Today we celebrate the first Sunday of Advent. “Advent” means “coming”. During the season of Advent, we wait for the coming of Christmas. But Advent also reminds us that we…
The Image of the Invisible
In the first chapter of Colossians, the Apostle Paul tells us, probably using the words of an early Christian worship song, that Christ is "the image of the invisible God."…
The Wells of Salvation
Today we celebrate the reaffirmation of faith of Tom and Carol DeMeester as they join our membership. Carrying over some themes from last week, Pastor John will be preaching from…
Generation to Generation
Happy Joining Sunday! This morning we are privileged to welcome new members to our church by profession of faith and baptism. Pastor John will be preaching on Psalm 145, which…
Soli Deo Gloria
This Sunday, we commemorate “Reformation Day.” Recognizing our heritage as Christians in the Reformed branch of Protestantism. This Sunday, we will explore one of the five “solas” of the Reformation:…
The New Covenant
As we come to the end of our exploration of the book of Jeremiah, we visit one of the most beautiful, hopeful passages in the whole book. Jeremiah is a…
Trusting God’s Plan
Sometimes we go through things in life that make us wonder if God is being fair, or even paying attention. That was certainly true for the people of Jerusalem when…
Communion in a Word at War
Today is World Communion Sunday, when we celebrate our union with the church of Christ around the world. It is also All Nations Heritage Sunday, when we celebrate the ways…
The Uncreation
Today we continue to explore the book of Jeremiah the prophet. The oracles of God’s judgment by his people in Jeremiah 4 are difficult for us to read, but a…
In the Potter’s Hands
Watching a potter shape clay on a wheel is a powerful and moving experience. The Lord tells Jeremiah that his people are like clay in a potter’s hands, that he…
Living Water
Jeremiah brings the message that God’s people have broken the covenant and now have to face the consequences. Instead of receiving the gift of God’s Living Water, we too often…
Finding Your Voice
Sometimes God calls us to do and say things that we are afraid to say, especially when those hard prophetic words are about the attitudes and behavior of the people…