The Searcher of Hearts
During the season of Lent, we are exploring Old Testament stories that teach us about the promises of God and help us to better appreciate everything that Jesus accomplishes through…
The Fount of Blessing
During the season of Lent, we prepare our hearts to celebrate the gift of resurrection life in Christ Jesus. Pastor John is preaching through Old Testament stories that teach us…
The Heir of the World
As we journey through Lent, and prepare to celebrate the events of Christ's death and resurrection during Holy Week, we are looking at stories of God's covenant faithfulness from the…
Living and Dying
This is the first Sunday of Lent, a 6-week season of preparation before Easter. Throughout this season, we will be looking at stories in the Old Testament that help us…
Amazing Things
This Sunday, we welcome members of our Cadets boys club as we focus the service on this year's Cadets theme: "Amazing." Pastor John will be preaching on "Amazing Things" from…
The Spirit of Wisdom
The Apostle Paul teaches us that human wisdom cannot save us, but rather that we must embrace heavenly wisdom, which is Jesus Christ. How can we, limited and human as…
The Foolishness of the Gospel
Do you ever feel like the story of the Bible is just a bit too good to be true? Or that the teachings of scripture are just a bit too…
A Light to the Nations
Happy Epiphany! When Christians celebrate Epiphany we remember the story of the Magi visiting the baby Jesus. This morning, Pastor John will reflect on the story from Matthew 2, which…
Merry Christmas! May God bless you richly with the gift of his love this season, as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This morning, Pastor…
For this fourth Sunday of Advent, Pastor John leads us through the prophecy of Isaiah 7:10-16. This familiar promise comes to us in the midst of an unfamiliar story. The…
The Way Through the Wilderness
On the third Sunday of Advent, we light the joy candle. The promises of God bring great joy to all people, especially to the poor, the oppressed, and the marginalized,…
A Branch from Jesse
On the second Sunday of Advent, we focus on the theme of "peace." So many people want world peace, but even though it's a huge dream for people, it remains…