Life and Breath and Everything Else
This Sunday, we celebrate our recent and soon-to-be graduates at all levels of education. Praise God for his faithfulness through all generations! Pastor John will be preaching on Acts 17:22-31,…
A Message for This Mess-Age
This morning we welcome Pastor Jeffrey Hough, one of our sponsored missionaries, who serves as the pastor of Angel Community Church in Muskegon. Pastor Jeffery will be preaching on Ezekiel…
All Together
Christ’s resurrection begins a new chapter in the story of the Creator and his world, marked by a renewed people of God. The markers of belonging in this new people…
Baptized into God’s Family
Christ’s resurrection begins a new chapter in the story of the Creator and his world, and is marked by a new people. The markers of belonging in this new people…
A Life of Hope!
This morning we welcome Pastor Mike Wissink to our pulpit. Pastor Mike is a chaplain with the campus ministry at Ferris State University. He will be preaching on the new…
Surprised by Jesus
Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! This ancient Christian greeting is so powerful because we greet one another with what is really the most important thing. Our Lord,…
This morning is the sixth Sunday of Lent, traditionally called Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday. On this day we remember the triumphal entry, when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a…
The Breath of Life
During the six-week season of Lent, we prepare our hearts and lives to celebrate God’s gift of new life on Resurrection Sunday. We have been walking through Old Testament stories…
The Searcher of Hearts
During the season of Lent, we are exploring Old Testament stories that teach us about the promises of God and help us to better appreciate everything that Jesus accomplishes through…
The Fount of Blessing
During the season of Lent, we prepare our hearts to celebrate the gift of resurrection life in Christ Jesus. Pastor John is preaching through Old Testament stories that teach us…
The Heir of the World
As we journey through Lent, and prepare to celebrate the events of Christ's death and resurrection during Holy Week, we are looking at stories of God's covenant faithfulness from the…
Living and Dying
This is the first Sunday of Lent, a 6-week season of preparation before Easter. Throughout this season, we will be looking at stories in the Old Testament that help us…