Completed Joy
TODAY God again desires to fill our hearts and lives with joy. In Philippians Chapter 2 Paul gives us the key to a joy filled life. The key is made…
Overflowing Joy
TODAY we begin a series of sermons about a Christian's "Joy Filled Life." The words joy and rejoice are found 16 times in the short Epistle of Philippians. Paul is…
A House and A Quiver
This week's sermon.
What Do You Think When I Say Black Sheep?
TODAY we will be looking at sheep, specifically "Black Sheep". We are all part of God's flock and he calls us to care for the flock, each and every member!…
Is Your ‘Check Engine’ Light On?
TODAY we are going to check the lights on our spiritual dashboard. Last week God reminded us that he has "a dream", a plan, a good plan that we are…
Livin’ the Dream
TODAY we are going to do some dreaming in order that we can be "Livin' The Dream". Too often dreams fail us and leave us disappointed and feeling hopeless at…
A Christmas Story in August
Today we welcome guest pastor, Rev Jeffrey Hough, from Angel Community Church in Muskegon MI.
The Who-So-Evers
Today we welcome guest pastor, Rev Jeffrey Hough, from Angel Community Church in Muskegon MI.
My Sisters and Brothers
Today we welcome guest pastor, Rev Jeffrey Hough, from Angel Community Church in Muskegon MI.
Our Rock and Defense
TODAY we will finish this series of sermons from 1 Peter on spiritual formation. Rock formations are built for a purpose and need to be maintained. Peter concludes his letter…
When the Rocks are Flying
Many times life does not go as planned. Spiritual Growth and closeness to God should result in blessings. Yet, sometimes we find ourselves under attack. It feels like we are…
Leave the Rocks Lay
There are times in the building process when one needs to pause and reflect. What is it we are building and is it taking proper shape? In his evaluation of…